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Rebecca Francis MPA 是多元化、公平和包容的社区支持者和大胆倡导者.作为跨企业、政府、非营利组织和教育的 DEI 工作的实践者,Rebecca Francis 帮助组织评估障碍并准备将无缝的 DEI 工作集成到他们的业务框架中。

Rebecca Francis MPA is a community support and bold advocate for diversity, equity, and INCLUSION.

在 9 年多的领导生涯中,Rebecca 曾与本地和企业、教育和非营利品牌合作,在各个阶段支持公司的转型工作。她目前正在就各种主题对公司进行培训,以启动朝着更公平的方法思考的过程。丽贝卡·弗朗西斯 (Rebecca Francis) 的支持带来了专业知识、热情、远见和创意风格的结合,为最终的外卖建立了有机联系。

丽贝卡·弗朗西斯 (Rebecca Francis) 工作的核心是解决以包容为中心的努力产生变革性环境的能力。她努力帮助创建专业空间,让人们可以通过同情、同理心和理解的视角进行协作。同事和客户经常将 Rebecca 称为知识渊博的力量,在她的责任背后拥有热情,不仅要“勾选方框”,还要动针。

The heart of Rebecca Francis' work addresses the ability to produce transformative environments with efforts centered around inclusion.

She strives to help create professional spaces where people can collaborate through a lens of compassion, empathy, and understanding. Colleagues and clients often refer to Rebecca as a knowledgeable force that possesses passion behind her responsibility to not just "check the box" but move the needle.


“ Ignite Change Solutions 是培训您的员工以充分理解公平与平等、多元化和包容性的现代语言的重要资源。这个互动和人际关系计划可帮助您的员工与有用的指南进行重要的对话,以取得建设性的成果。”


– Andrew Wright,罗克福德商会战略计划总监


Book Me For Your NEXT Speaking Engagement.

Rebecca Francis has provided featured keynote addresses, panel commentary, and training sessions for various institutions. Rebecca's expertise positions her to cover multiple topics, including diversity and inclusion, leadership, business development, branding, and more. Rebecca addresses each event individually, and her speaking style is driven by her creativity and goals to create an experience that her audience will never forget.

Rebecca commits every obligation to teach her audience new methods that will foster change through engagement. She delivers keynotes that stimulate, provoke, and inspire the audience to grow. Rebecca has been educating professionals in various industries about leadership, operations, and strategic diversity for years. The overarching goal is simple for people and organizations to identify growth areas, teach them game-changing practices, and challenge them to implement their methods to "Ignite Change." 


“ Ignite Change Solutions 是培训您的员工以充分理解公平与平等、多元化和包容性的现代语言的重要资源。这个互动和人际关系计划可帮助您的员工与有用的指南进行重要的对话,以取得建设性的成果。”


– Andrew Wright,罗克福德商会战略计划总监

Our Capabilities at Ignite

At Ignite, we offer a diverse range of capabilities designed to meet your organization's unique needs. Our services can be customized to fit your specific requirements, ensuring optimal impact and effectiveness. While the following capabilities showcase our core offerings, they are not limited to what is listed. We are committed to providing tailored solutions that drive meaningful change and foster an inclusive environment.


 Organization Measurement And Data Tracking


And Initiatives


Coaching And Consultative Support

​Sample Experiences Include:


  • Providing Executive Leadership Coaching

  • Developing Organizational Communications Plans

  • Managing Organizational Change

  • Supporting Organizational Development

Policies, Procedures And Structures

Sample Experiences Include:

  • Strategic Planning through the lens of Equity.

  • Igniting Organizational Structures and Processes

  • Establishing High-Performing Equity

  • Recruiting and Retaining Diverse Talent

Training And Development / HR Recertification Training

Sample Experiences Include:

  • Delivering Why DEIB: The Starter Kit

  • Facilitating "Ignite Accountability: Transforming Your Mind with the Power of Words and Emotional Intelligence"

  • Conducting "7 Stages to Igniting Change" (7-part series)

  • Providing "Equity Empowerment: Tools for Transformative HR"

  • Leading "Equity Elevate: Raising Standards for Inclusivity"

  • Training on Bias/Microaggression

    Promoting Allyship

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